Now Shipping All Orders + Video Update!

All Remaining US Orders Now Shipping
The shipment has been received by our fulfillment partner and all outstanding orders will ship this week starting today. Moving forward all orders placed on after October 31st will fulfill within 24 hours. Tracking numbers will be emailed out to the same email addresses we have on file.
Please do not email support prior to Monday (11/5) regarding tracking numbers for this shipment. Reach out to Monday if you have not yet received your tracking number.
It’s Beginning to Feel a lot Like Christmas
Image for a moment that we have been working on something special for your Switch. In time for the holiday. Something you might want for yourself or a friend. Sound interesting? Stay tuned, and if you want a special notification message us on Facebook @satisfyegaming
Phillip & His Team of Elves
I’ve been so anxious and excited. Waiting on my pro gaming grip. Since I first seen and heard about it. The anticipation paid off. It was well worth the wait. It’s taking a bit to adjust to. But the more I play with it The more natural it feels. Better than my old game grip Which was the best for me at the time My only regret is that I didn’t get the bundle pack for
hhHwWUP Click …Nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)